sabato 16 maggio 2009



Mabuhay! - Welcome!



mayo 17 - 2009
Parish Church of ARACELI in Vicenza (Italy)

The SANTACRUZAN is a popular religious festival held in many towns and cities throughout the Philippines as the highlight of the month-long celebration of Flores de Mayo during the month of May. It is usually celebrated with a parade of decorated floats and elaborately dressed characters, representing various aspects of the Virgin Mary and other figures. The festival was introduced to the country during the Spanish period and continues to be celebrated by Filipinos all over the world.

HISTORY. According to popular legend, St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, went to Calvary 300 years after Christ's death to search for Christ's cross. At the site of the crucifixion, she unearthed three crosses, and had her sick servant lie down on each one. Upon touching one of the three, the servant was cured; this cross was determined to be Christ's. The anniversary of this discovery is traditionally celebrated on May 3rd.

In the Tagalog region, the custom of the Santacruzan celebration started sometime after the Immaculate Conception of Mary was declared official dogma in 1854, and after the publication circa 1867 of Mariano Sevilla's translation of the devotional Flores de Maria or Mariquit na Bulaclac na sa Pagninilaynilay sa Buong Buan nang Mayo ay Inihahandog nang manga Devoto cay Maria Santisima (The Flowers of Mary or the Beautiful Flowers that in the Meditations During the Whole Month of May are Offered by Devotees to Mary the Holiest).

During Spanish times, parish priests would choose hermanas or sponsors from the daughters of wealthy families. These women would shoulder the expenses, plan the festival and decorate the church as well as the caroza which would be used in the procession.

In the Tagalog region, the custom of the Santacruzan celebration started sometime after the Immaculate Conception of Mary was declared official dogma in 1854, and after the publication circa 1867 of Mariano Sevilla's translation of the devotional Flores de Maria or Mariquit na Bulaclac na sa Pagninilaynilay sa Buong Buan nang Mayo ay Inihahandog nang manga Devoto cay Maria Santisima (The Flowers of Mary or the Beautiful Flowers that in the Meditations During the Whole Month of May are Offered by Devotees to Mary the Holiest).

During Spanish times, parish priests would choose hermanas or sponsors from the daughters of wealthy families. These women would shoulder the expenses, plan the festival and decorate the church as well as the caroza which would be used in the procession.

Young women are chosen from among the townspeople to represent the various characters in the parade. Each is carried on a bamboo arch and escorted by a young man. The highlight of the parade is Reyna Elena, representing St. Helena whose discovery of the cross is commemorated by this feast. She is escorted by Prinsipe Constantino, under a canopy of flowers. The floats are accompanied by a brass band. Occasionally, movie and TV stars and other celebrities join in and are featured as major sagalas and escorts.

Devotees follow the parade, holding lit candles, reciting the rosary and singing songs of praise. After the evening mass, the town mayor hosts a dinner party.






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to be continue with

in TREVISO (Italy)


Parish Church of FRESCADA

mayo 24 - 2009

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..pic 088
(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

The day of Santacruzan

.Before the Procession - Panoramiche
pics ..130 .. 142

.Before the Procession - CHILDREN
pics ..110 .. 117 .. 118

(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.Before the Procession - Reyna ELENA
pics ..150 .. 165

pics ..168 .. 166

.Before the Procession - Reyna BANDERA
pics ..122 .. 123

..pic 129
(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.Before the Procession - Reyna CARIDAD
pics ..114 .. 115

(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.Before the Procession - Reyna De La PAZ


(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.Before the Procession .- Reyna De Las VERGINES
pics ..132 .. 162

(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.Before the Procession.- Reyna ESPERANZA
..pic ..133

..pic ..164
(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.Before the Procession.- Reyna FE
pics ..125 .. 126.....145 (oriz.)

..pic..145 (vert.)

(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.Before the Procession.- Reyna VERONICA

pic ..163

.Before the Procession.- Reyna FLORES

pic ..156

.Before the Procession - Reyna JUDITH
pics ..134 .. 143

.Before the Procession - TRES MARIAS
pics ..160 .. 136.....138

pics ..137 .. 121

.During the Procession .- CHILDREN
pics ..203 .. 209.....211

pics ..287 .. 334....344

..pic ..333
(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.During the Procession .- Reyna ELENA
pics ..194 .. 315.....348

..pic ..328
(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.During the Procession .- HERMANA....HERMANO
pics ..308 .. 258.....311

.During the Procession .- Reyna CARIDAD
pics ..241 .. 239

pics ..343 .. 292

..pic .174
(clik on this picture to enlarge and download)

.During the Procession .- Reyna FE

.During the Procession .- Reyna De Las Virgines


.During the Procession .- Reyna ESPERANZA
(please wait)

.During the Procession .- Reyna VERONICA
(please wait)

.During the Procession .- Reyna FLORES
(please wait)

.During the Procession .- Reyna JUDITH
(please wait)

.During the Procession .- Reyna De La PAZ
(please wait)

.During the Procession .- TRES MARIAS
(please wait)

.During the Procession .- PEOPLE
(please wait)

(please wait)

(please wait)

( be continue!)

For informations call 347 2709076

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